Introducing new gem in town, Indonesian restaurant located in historical Filateli Post Office Building across Pasar Baru, the name is ALA RITUS.

Lobster Pesmol IDR 380k
Ikan Dabu-Dabu IDR 55k

Situated in a historical building, AnakJajan personally think that Ala Ritus did a great job in transforming their space into a beautiful place that’s totally in line with the building.

Consist of 3 main areas, coffee shop, outdoor and dining area, the spacious place makes a great spot for family gathering, lunch meeting or hangout with friends, it’s so cozy and homey we can imagine ourselves sitting there for hours.

For the menu, the restaurant serves mainly Indonesian cuisine with their own unique modern twist. AnakJajan found their menu very interesting in terms of presentation and taste, here are some of it.

Sop Buntut Rebus IDR 165k
Ayam Goreng Serundeng IDR 55k
Martabak Telur (IDR 40k)

Bir Pletok IDR 20k
Here in Ala Ritus, expect to find various traditional non-alcoholic Indonesian drink like: Bir Pletok, Wedang Uwuh, Bajigur, Bandrek, etc. AnakJajan opted for Bir Pletok which was refreshing choice for hot sunny day.

Bir Pletok IDR 20k

Single Origin Coffee IDR 30k
The choice of Indonesian coffee beans from Aceh Gayo/ Flores Bajawa/ Janji Maria/ Mandheling/ Toraja instantly caught AnakJajan’s eyes. For brewing method, we can choose V60, Kalita wave, or classic Indonesian way Tubruk.

We ordered Janji Maria bean in Tubruk style, and they simply nailed it, very bold with strong characteristic typical Indonesian style tubruk coffee.

You know what’s the best companion for Tubruk coffee? Indonesian style fritter or we call it gorengan like Lumpia Jakarta (IDR 25k), Tahu Isi (IDR 6.5k), Pastel (IDR 10k), Martabak Telur (IDR 40k).

Martabak Telur (IDR 40k)

Then for sweet companion, expect to find sweet pastries like, Brownies Chocolate Choux, Strawbery Shortcake Choux, Macaroon Vanilla Strawberry, Macaroon Suji, Bolu kukus, Krim Bakar Sereh (IDR 25k), etc.

Krim Bakar Sereh (IDR 25k)

Bolu Kukus

Asinan Jakarta IDR 25k
Served on beautiful plate, their Asinan Jakarta has all the elements we expected, refreshing, sour, and nutty with crunchy texture from cracker.

Asinan Jakarta IDR 25k

Sate Maranggi IDR 85k
The beef satay were nicely done, well marinated and tender with delightful grilled aroma.

Sate Maranggi IDR 85k

Lobster Pesmol IDR 380k
Food presentation game in Ala Ritus is seriously strong!! My oh my, is it pretty? Colorful vibrant lobster cooked in Indonesian pesmol style, it’s one of their specialty dishes. It looks spectacular followed by great taste as well. The lobster was meaty and complemented nicely with rich pesmol seasoning.

Lobster Pesmol IDR 380k
Lobster Pesmol IDR 380k

Ayam Goreng Serundeng IDR 55k
This might be the prettiest Indonesian style deep fried ‘Serundeng’ chicken, gotta give it double thumbs up for presentation.

Ayam Goreng Serundeng IDR 55k

Ikan Dabu-Dabu IDR 55k
is a type of hot and spicy condiment made from chopped chili and tomatoes with other ingredients. Here in Ala Ritus, you can find Dabu-dabu Fish with their own unique modern presentation.

Ikan Dabu-Dabu IDR 55k

Sop Buntut Rebus IDR 165k
There are 3 options for oxtail soup dish, Rebus(Soup)/ Goreng(Fried)/ Bakar(Grilled). AnakJajan opted for the soup version, it was super tender and came in huge chunks of oxtail. The broth itself was enjoyably delicious, full of umami with bold taste of spices in a good way. A good one indeed.

Sop Buntut Rebus IDR 165k

Overall, impressively cozy and homey ambiance, nice selection, interesting choice of Indonesian cuisine with unique twist. If you happen to be in Pasar Baru area, make sure to give Ala Ritus a visit.

Ala Ritus
Filateli Building
Jl. Pos No.1-2, Pasar Baru, Central Jakarta
Instagram: @alaritus
Opening hours: 07.00 – 22.00
Phone: +6221-3452016


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