C FOR CUPCAKES & COFFEE – Pluit & Kelapa Gading, Jakarta

Doggy Onsen IDR 38k

C for Cupcakes & Coffee is one of a few cafes in Jakarta that offers both pretty and tasty food. After their viral Bulldog Mousse cake, they have many new things to offer so we decided to give it another visit. Warning!! This blog post is overload with so much cuteness😍

Doggy Onsen IDR 38k

Hedgehogcotta 56k

Honestly we’re getting more and more obsessed with dogs in recent years, their cuteness can instantly brighten up our mood. Knowing that C for Cupcakes & Coffee is a dog friendly cafe, I hope I can meet cute dogs on our visit and MY HEART SCREAMED HAPPILY when we met Odette.

Odette is one of the cafe owner’s dogs, she’s a cute bichon with innocent look and fluffy fur, so much fun with play with. (I secretly hope the cafe owner allows me to meet and play with her regularly once in a while.)

The cafe decor is always on point with beautifully arranged ornaments, wooden furniture and comfy chairs.

It turns out that they regularly change the theme of decoration. It was autumn theme during our visit. Besides Pluit outlet, they have recently opened 2nd outlet at Kelapa Gading at Ruko Inkopal across Mall of Indonesia.

Doggy Onsen IDR 38k
One of our top reasons to visit C for Cupcakes & Coffee is because they have so many new items, cute looking menu of course! This new Doggy Onsen is basically dog shaped ice cream with cream cheese and boba on top of waffle cone. The dog shaped ice cream comes in 3 shapes and flavors (coffee, chocolate and vanilla).

Doggy Onsen IDR 38k
Doggy Onsen IDR 38k

My top fav goes to the Poodle shaped ice cream, isn’t it the cutest?? It has chocolate flavor and it goes well with chewy boba and soft cream cheese.

Doggy Onsen IDR 38k

French Milkshake IDR 38k
The cookie milkshake has hint of rum flavor in it, tasty and not overly sweet topped with French Bulldog shaped pudding. The eating process is a bit challenging since they put the pudding on top of drink but well it looks so cute. We recommend you to ask for small bowl/plate and move the pudding so it’s easier to eat.

French Milkshake IDR 38k
French Milkshake IDR 38k

Bulldog Mousse IDR 68k
The realistic looking bulldog mousse cake has become talk of the town and viral on social media last year. It remains one of the cafe’s favorite items. Cute mousse based cake followed by great taste, it is very rich in chocolate flavor, smooth on the outside while crunchy on the inside.

Bulldog Mousse IDR 68k

Rabbit Pie IDR 42k
For fruity fresh alternative, their Rabbit Pie is a nice option. It’s Mr. Jajan’s fav since the lemon curd pie has nice sweet sour lemon taste with yoghurt based topping.

Rabbit Pie IDR 42k
Rabbit Pie IDR 42k

Hedgehogcotta 56k
If we have to choose one top favorite in terms of taste, this one is our top favorite. It has soft and smooth texture with rich chocolate flavor, love the fact that they add cookie crumbs that look like soil for extra crunchy texture. It is both pretty and tasty!

Hedgehogcotta 56k

Pork Noodle IDR 38k
We just found out that they also serve a few selection of food items too. We tried their best selling pork noodle which was surprisingly delicious! Springy savory noodle with amazing lard aroma in it, what’s there not to love?! The topping is simple with minced pork and vegetable, well seasoned, tasty, wouldn’t mind paying more with more festive toppings such as fried meat balls maybe?

Pork Noodle IDR 38k

Cappuccino IDR 30k + Extra Marshmallow IDR 12k
C for Cupcakes & Coffee has proper coffee, since their cappuccino is more on the milky side that’s why we ordered extra shot +IDR6k for stronger coffee taste just the way we like. Of course for extra cuteness we added extra marshmallow.

Cappuccino IDR 30k + Extra Marshmallow IDR 12k

Hot Chocolate IDR 30k + Extra Marshmallow IDR 12k
Rich warm cup of hot chocolate with extra marshmallow, cuteness overload!!

Hot Chocolate IDR 30k + Extra Marshmallow IDR 12k
Hot Chocolate IDR 30k + Extra Marshmallow IDR 12k
Hot Chocolate IDR 30k + Extra Marshmallow IDR 12k

Overall, Jakarta certainly needs more cafes like this. Cozy space, pretty decor, unique concept and the most important thing is their cute looking menu actually tastes yummy too. Any dog lovers would love this dog friendly cafe.

C for Cupcakes & Coffee Pluit
Jl. Pluit Karang Utara no. 52
North Jakarta , 14450
Phone: +6281315879119

C for Cupcakes & Coffee Gading
Beauty Couture Rental Gown
Ruko Inkopal Blok V No.17
(beside Whiz Prime Hotel, across Mall of Indonesia)

Opening Hours:
Mon-Fri 08.00-21.00
Sat-Sun 08.00-22.00

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