One of the latest food trends in Pluit-Muara Karang area would be Dimsum. After the happening Wing Heng Dimsum with long queue, now there are a few new dimsum restaurants popping up and one of it is One Dimsum.

Casio Pao IDR 25k

Since Wing Heng is always packed with long queue, a few months ago we and our foodie friends decided to try the new One Dimsum since the restaurant has bigger space so it’s more convenient to sit and eat, plus they were having opening promo.

One thing we notice from their menu is the variety, aside from Steamed and Fried Dimsum ranging from IDR 15k to IDR 27k, they also have plenty of a la carte dishes too like noodle, fried rice, fish, chicken, vegetables, etc ranging from IDR 20k to IDR 100k.

Cheong Fun Casiew IDR 26k

The restaurant was fully packed with customers during our visit, and unfortunately the service was quite a let down, some of the dishes took forever to be served and the staff looked overwhelmed maybe because we visited the restaurant during their soft opening period. Here are some of our orders:

Casio Pao IDR 25k

Casio Pao IDR 25k
Casio Pao IDR 25k

Cheong Fun Casiew IDR 26k

Cheong Fun Casiew IDR 26k

Siomay Special IDR 25k

Siomay Special IDR 25k
Siomay Special IDR 25k

Hakau Udang IDR 27k

Hakau IDR 27k
Hakau Kepiting IDR 27k

Paikut Steam IDR 27k

Paikut Steam IDR 27k

Cin Sa Pao IDR 25k

Cin Sa Pao IDR 25k

Bola Udang IDR 26k

Bola Udang IDR 26k

Sayap Ayam IDR 26k

Sayap Ayam IDR 26k

Keladi Goreng IDR 25k

Keladi Goreng IDR 25k

Mie Goreng Seafood IDR 44k (L)

Mie Goreng Seafood IDR 44k (L)

Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin IDR 45k (L)

Nasi Goreng Ikan Asin IDR 45k (L)

Ayam Goreng Bawang putih IDR 50k (M)

Ayam Goreng Bawang putih IDR 50k (M)

Overall, reasonable price, great variety. Their Bihun Goreng Telur IDR 23k (S) (not in the picture) surprisingly were our favorite, simple but nicely done and very tasty. Siomay Special was also tasteful, other than that, all of the dishes we had were enjoyable but not memorable, but then that’s just our personal tastebuds. Good enough if you need more variety of a la carte Chinese dishes.

One Dimsum
Jl. Muara Karang Blok A3 Utara No. 148-149
North Jakarta
Phone: +6221-66600149


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